KEYWORDS: socio-psychological adaptation; adaptation of students; adaptation to the university; psychology students; higher educational institutions; psychology of students; coping strategies; academic performance; educational process.
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ABSTRACT. The problem of socio-psychological adaptation of students was acutely faced by the education system during the mass transition to distance learning in connection with the pandemic. Since coping strategies are, on the one hand, an important predictor of adaptation, and, on the other hand, its result, it was decided to investigate the socio-psychological adaptation of first-year students (2020-2021 academic year) and the coping strategies they used during their first exam session. The results were compared with
the indicators of third-year students whose adaptation processes should have already been completed. The methods of diagnosis of socio-psychological adaptation by K. Rogers and R. Diamond, the multilevel personality questionnaire "Adaptability" by A. G. Maklakov and S. V. Chermyanin, the questionnaire "Methods of coping behavior" by R. Lazarus and S. Folkman, the "Test of exam anxiety" by R. Elpert and R. N. Heiber were used as empirical research methods. The results of the researches were compared with the average score of the session. 81 students of the Department of Psychology of UrFU of the 1st (47 people) and 3rd courses (34 people) took part in the study. The first-year students were found to have significantly higher rates of externality and anxiety interfering with achievements than the 3rd-year students. The most popular coping strategies in both groups turned out to be problem solving planning, taking responsibility and seeking social support. It was found that among first-year students, coping strategies have a more correlations with adaptation parameters, and the average score for the session is associated with coping strategies, positive reassessment and self-control, whereas in 3rd-year students, academic performance was associated only with adaptation parameters. It is concluded that coping mechanisms are more important for the adaptation of students in the first year, and academic performance is not a sign of good socio-psychological adaptation of students.
FOR CITATION: Zabara, L. I., Lebedeva, Ju. V., Shabanova, N. V. (2021). Socio-Psychological Adaptation to the University for Students of the Departmtnt of Psychology. In Pedagogical Education in Russia. No. 6, pp. 185-194. DOI: 10.26i70/2079-8717_2021_06_22.
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